
Human Resources and Payroll Outsourcing

Entrusting a trusted external partner with Human Resources and Payroll activities, due to cost reduction, guarantee of timeliness, and continuity of carrying out the tasks from the range of Human Resources and Payroll helps increase the effectiveness our Clients’ business.

We guarantee safety, and confidentiality of financial and employee data. As a tax consultancy company we are under confidentiality obligation and that is why our Clients are guaranteed that the transferred information will be used solely for the purposes of carrying out the tasks set forth in the agreement.

Within outsourcing we use the solutions, thanks to which we facilitated the successful functioning of Human Resources and Payroll processes of our Clients. At the same time we care for their flexibility and adjustment to the individual business conditions of each company.

We focus on effectiveness. By providing services we connect our team`s potential with the modern IT solutions. It is important that using Human Resources and Payroll Outsourcing services gives our clients certainty of correctness of requested services, and consequently, an opportunity to focus on their core business activity.

Advantages of Human Resources and Payroll Outsourcing

  • cost reduction of company operations (specialists, software, trainings)
  • timeliness and guarantee of continuity in the performance of ordered services
  • safety and confidentiality of financial and employee data
  • comfort of concentrating on the fundamental business activity
  • access to modern IT solutions

Scope of services

  1. Payroll administration

Correct calculation of salaries and timely wages are the Company`s responsibility under the law and a key obligation towards its employees. Absence of the person responsible for Payroll can delay remunerations, and in this way negatively influence the stabilization and atmosphere in the company.

As part of outsourcing we provide a complete Payroll Administration service adjusted to the individual Clients` needs Knowledge and diligence of our employees, assisted by ERP enova specialist software, ensure the proper and timely implementation of HR & Payroll function.

  1. Human Resources Administration

Providing comprehensive HR administration we accompany our Clients` employees throughout the whole period of employment. We keep personal files in accordance with the labour law and internal regulations of the company, systematically, we process and update personnel data of the employees.

Our specialists do their best to execute personnel processes in accordance with the law and current procedures, regardless of circumstances, both in case of employment, promotion or termination of employment.

  1. Taxes and Law

Knowledge of labour law and tax regulations in terms of human resources and payroll is an important duty of the company. Their complexity and frequently inconsistent interpretations often cause numerous doubts and internal changes of employment conditions or fixed dates require additional flexibility of the system and ongoing monitoring.

As part of HR & payroll outsourcing we blend the practical usage of current regulations with the specific business situation of our Clients. We provide them with expert advice and offer ongoing support as well as creative optimization solutions. With view to our Clients` businesses we always aspire to maximize legislative opportunities.

  1. Statutory Reporting

Within HR & payroll outsourcing we secure the reporting obligation, resulting from the official statistics regulations (GUS) and public charges pertaining to the National Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON).

On the basis of available data, we work out the necessary reports and declarations required by those institutions.

  1. Internal and External Control

We care for precise verification of correctness of the entrusted tasks in the area of HR & payroll. The precision and diligence of our employees and implemented control system means an early detection of inconsistencies in current HR & payroll accounting and consequent modification which increases the effectiveness of current actions.

Moreover, in order to secure our Clients` businesses, we provide assistance in the event of inspection. We work out and deliver the necessary documentation and provide explanations on their behalf.

  1. Administration and IT

Administrative activities and IT solutions as part of outsourcing of HR and payroll functions, constitute quality support in day-to-day management. They ensure the transparent process of information circulation, and facilitate the communication between the Client and DMS TAX, and between the Client and his employees and contracting parties.

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