
Audit of Transfer Pricing

Our experts support the Clients in the range of assessing risks and areas of risk in the subject of the transactions conducted with related entities as well as the appraisal of correctness of preparing the tax documentation.

Audit of transfer pricing can include in its range annual or five year long periods (in the period of tax liability limitation in CIT, PIT or VAT tax). It can take on a form of comprehensive investigation or limit itself to the issues chosen by Client, and connected with the execution of transactions between related entities.

Every tax audit is terminated with a report, in which irregularities and solution proposals are evaluated and aimed at minimizing tax risks in the range of transfer pricing.

DMS TAX specialists help the Clients in the following:

  • tax risk evaluation connected with identified irregularities;
  • evaluation of tax chances connected with the identified areas of improvements or interpretative changes of regulations;
  • analysis of the potential of conducted transfer pricing policy and directions of its improvements or changes;

and many other activities reliant on the ongoing and future needs of our Clients.

Audit of transfer pricing does not include the research of market price level used in transactions between related subjects in relation to market prices. We provide these kind of services as part of: Analyses of Comparability, Market Analyses And Evaluations.

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