
Tax Process Consulting

Our experts support the Clients within the scope of inspecting activities (in particular in the subject of VAT refund), tax audits, tax proceedings and trials before self-government appeal courts, Provincial Administrative Courts as well as in Supreme Administrative Court.

Our overriding rule in providing services in the procedural area is to guarantee full protection of our Clients` businesses, starting with initial procedural analyses with special attention paid to advantages and risks, possible procedural strategies, ending with consistent implementation of the assumptions accepted during the course of the process.

We help our Clients in such issues as the following:

  • establishing a relationship between the Client and the tax authority in a range of variants and scenarios of the conducted proceedings,
  • shaping the relationships with tax authorities based on a solid exchange of substantive information and replacing personal confrontations with a substantive dispute,
  • appearance during interrogations of witnesses and Client`s representatives,
  • minimizing short-term financial liquidity risk related to the conducted case,
  • representation in the civil court, if it is necessary to settle a problem which has impact on a tax issue,
  • drawing up complaints and representations before the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw as a part of annulment proceedings and many other activities reliant on the ongoing and future needs of our Clients.
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