
Transfer Pricing

We provide assistance in risk management connected with transfer pricing using the experience and knowledge in scope of Tax Law, accounting and management.

The transactions between related entities may generate some risks when it comes to tax law. Nevertheless, they can be limited thanks to taking proper steps in transfer pricing, amongst other things by making an appropriate tax documentation in accordance with the regulations, drawing up tax documentation and the implementation of consistent transfer pricing policy for connected companies.

For years we have continued to support our Clients in managing tax risk, being the result of settlements between connected subjects, as well as in fulfilling formal requirements determined by tax law regulations.

During the fulfilment of projects, the transfer pricing consultants always try to obtain the most complete information from Clients, so as to make their work correspond to specifics and to the surrounding business. Recognition and understanding of the aims and principles of each Client enables harmonious cooperation and necessary adjustments catering to the Client’s needs.

For detailed information on the scope of services in the area of ​​transfer pricing services, please visit our proprietary website, cenytransferowe.org/en/services.

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